Book with beautiful scientific, medical and anatomy ilustrations, mixing art and anatomy. Exclusive postcards and posters.

Human Anatomed Book

This project was born our of our passion for medical anatomy and our experience in highly accurate 3D anatomy model making for communication. We came up with the idea of publishing a book and a set of posters to promote some medical prints made in 3D, but giving them a more artistic touch. We have started this project by creating 10 demo prints .

We strongly believe we can finance a large amount of prints and get to publish a book with approximately 150 of them, adding a brief description and valuable scientific content. It is a great way to learn anatomy and get to know the human body, organs, systems, pathologies… in a very direct and graphical way.

We strongly believe we can finance a large amount of prints and get to publish a book with approximately 150 of them, adding a brief description and valuable scientific content. It is a great way to learn anatomy and get to know the human body, organs, systems, pathologies… in a very direct and graphical way.

Money will be invested in:

– Anatomy specialist to endorse and provide feedback on the scientific accuracy of the prints.
– Graphic Designer/Editor for the content and structure of the book.
– Scientific writer to develop all text content to each print, according to the feedback provided by the anatomy specialist.
– Production coordination.
– Develop all prints, putting all our knowledge and experience in the process.

There will be several types of contributions to this project: Hardcover book: A 27×20 cm book with about 150 pages, digital anatomy illustrations. Exclusive 70×50 cm posters and exclusive postcards.

The project represents a documentation and scientific accuracy challenge, so the experience of a medical specialist to validate all scientific content is a must.

Our ultimate goal is to provide the final customer with a reference book in terms of visual ideas, scientifical accuracy and medical knowledge. It should be an appealing book for both medical personnel and non specialist people.