A galactic community rising to the apex of civilization, though not all in the galaxy desire prosperity and will do anything to seize control or thwart the presiding super powers of the galaxy. However small pirate raids and rebellions are the least of the galaxies worries. Other factions see a Galaxy that needs to be conquered. Spark Age is a story of the growth and turmoil of a massive galactic community centered on the perspective of a few chosen individuals. But as they’ll soon learn the galaxy is a bigger place than they previously thought – a place that holds dark secrets… secrets that should never be unearthed… In a story full of Action, Mystery, Conflict, Heroism, and the epic battle between good and evil Spark Age will not disappoint.

The story starts off from the perspective of an imperial prince who is learning how to become the new emperor through his father’s guidance. To prove himself he’ll be sent off to perform missions and tasks for the empire’s safety and security. But on one mission things take a twist. He discovers a plot to overthrow the Empire as the dominant faction of the galaxy. As he delves further and further into conflict with what seemed at first a small band of pirate raiders, the young prince Thikiteh will discover the source of the pirates new display of aggression. Soon the galaxy will learn that this “source” has more to it than the pirates thought. Some things in the galaxy should never be disturbed. It will be up to the young prince Thikiteh and his friends to stop the threat before it can truly manifest – A threat that’s much bigger than mere pirates. A threat that no body in the galaxy seems to understand )but he’s not going to stand around to find out!).

Ladies and Gents I give you the story of Spark Age Vol.1! Please follow the links and see what we got going on!




the author

Randy Babe Robinson (yup his middle name is babe) was born in Salt Lake City Utah where he and his family soon after moved to the small town of Idaho Falls Idaho. There he spent his growing up years where he found a passion in art. Pursuing that passion all the way up through his high-school years a dream manifested. That dream was to create a whole new universe to experience with a fresh new perspective. Today Randy has moved back to Utah to fulfill that dream