San Diego, CA | July 28, 2015 – Blue Marble, Inc, an Internet of Things startup from California, launches a Kickstarter campaign to fund mass-production of its battery-free, Wi-Fi connected gardening system.

Blue Marble joins a new breed of smart home systems by introducing the set of new garden automation devices. It will allow users to easily set up, control and monitor their garden irrigation.

The company differentiates itself from existing competitors by offering a battery-free system that delivers water not only to large area irrigation zones, but to individual remotely controlled solar valves and sensors in order to serve the needs of every single plant or a small orchard. It works seamlessly with and enhances the capabilities of existing irrigation equipment.

The set consists of a Controller, connected to the Internet to access real-time data and weather forecasts, a free App, allowing a user to control the system from anywhere in the world, radio-controlled Drip Irrigation Valves, to subdivide, balance, and precisely deliver water to a group or a single plant, Lawn Valves, to manage irrigation of marshy or over-watered lawn, and solar Sensors to measure soil moisture, light, and local air temperature. The App can also handle multiple remote sites, such as a portfolio of rental properties.

The system is completely modular. The controller works with your existing irrigation system or users can add other devices at any time to expand the system’s capabilities.

Blue Marble enhances existing equipment by dropping right in place of older, timer-based systems, without any fuss, and delivers the perfect drink to every flower in your garden, every apple in your orchard, and every blade of grass on your lawn. Even better yet, it does all this without batteries.” said Paul Sabadin, the founder and president of Blue Marble, Inc.

The Blue Marble devices are designed for effortless, automated operation, whether you are a novice gardener or an expert farmer. They will help users to conserve water, lower their utility bills and enjoy away from home vacations without worrying about their plants.

Water scarcity is considered the #1 global risk for 2015 in terms of impacts to economies, environments and people, according to recent paper distributed by analysts from Bank of America Merrill Lynch. The founders of Blue Marble are hoping to attract community’s attention to the problem and to offer a simple and affordable solution for ordinary people. Kickstarter backers have an opportunity to pre-order Blue Marble controller starting at $159, saving $90 off the future retail price.

Learn more about the project:
Contact the Founder by email: or by phone: 760-815-1108
The Company’s address: Blue Marble, Inc., 7040 Avenida Encinas, Suite 140, Carlsbad, CA 92011