Since 2010 I have faced discrimination within the Department of the Interior (Bureau of Indian Affairs). It was not easy for me to speak up early on, as I feared reprisals and worried that if I fought back against the discrimination I was facing, I would end up ruining my 19-year career in federal law enforcement. To complicate matters further, I was recently diagnosed with bipolar II disorder, major depressive disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder, all caused by and exacerbated by the discrimination that has gone on at the Department of the Interior for close to a decade.

It would have been a lot simpler for me to ignore what was going on, but my conscience would not let me do that. I can no longer ignore the pain that I have felt or the pain that I know others in my situation will feel if this type of discrimination remains the norm. Instead of allowing this discrimination to ruin my life, I have written a book – Black with a Gold Badge – all about my experiences. I am ready to publish my book, but to do that, I need some outside support.

What I Need & What You Get

I am turning to you, Kickstarter, for help raising the funds that I need to publish, market, and distribute Black with a Gold Badge nationwide. My funding goal is $500, which will cover all the costs of getting my book onto shelves. To say thanks to all my supporters, I am offering some exclusive rewards, including early-edition and signed edition copies of the book.

The Impact

My story of trauma and discrimination is one that needs to be better-known. This type of thing should not happen, in the 21st century, let alone within the ranks of a US government agency. Your contributions will help me to spread word of what I have gone through far and wide.

Other Ways You Can Help

In addition to making a monetary contribution, you can show your support for me and my book by sharing a link to this campaign with all your friends and family. Know someone who is socially conscious? Recommend my book to them on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter! I appreciate all your support, and I thank you for taking the time to read about my plans.