Recently I have lost my financial aid for college. Although I was also working (Outside employment) to allay the cost of tuition as well, I know that I cannot now pay for an entire education myself. I have applied for several full-ride scholarships offered by my school and have also offered to work on campus to pay for my education. But as of yet, I haven’t received word on anything.

As a result, I am trying to raise a total of $25,000 for the next academic semester. The successful funding of this campaign means that I will get another chance to fight tooth and claw for my place in this world. It means that I will have another semester to get my all of the various projects I am working on in order (Including a film which is currently making its rounds in film festivals, and other writing that I am currently doing and hope to film soon); Which means another shot at building my name and working towards an established career, in Science and in the Arts. It means the world to me. I am halfway there…

If possible, consider donating $5, $10 $25 or more if you can. If you cannot donate anything please consider spreading the word about this campaign to your friends, family, and other acquaintances. The further this campaign spreads, the more likely I am to raise my goal.

Thank You.