A new Kickstarter campaign is exploring the intersection of fine arts and fine parts. Big Ass Rainbow is a collection of illustrations that take place in an alternate universe where butts play a much bigger role than in ours.

Josh Kraus is a writer living in Philadelphia, and was inspired to make this book by a popular phrase. “Look at that big ass rainbow!” “Check out that big ass volcano!” Having always found it funny to interpret those phrases literally, as in “big ass-rainbow,” or “big ass-volcano,” he decided to make a book where artists would illustrate these interpretations. What would a big ass-rainbow look like?

The final Big Ass Rainbow will consist of 30 Big Ass Illustrations by 30 different artists. Each illustration is inspired by a big ass phrase, such as Big Ass Fairy Tale, Big Ass Boy Band, and Big Ass Cyborg Uprising.

Most of these illustrations don’t exist yet. The money from Kickstarter will enable Josh to pay the artists for these illustrations, compensating them for their hard work. The final book will have 30 illustrations, but the Kickstarter will only pay for 10. Those 10 will be used to create a mini-book – an abbreviated Big Ass Rainbow – which will then be shopped around to publishers. If a publisher is interested, the remaining 20 illustrations will be commissioned.

Right now there are 10 artists signed on for the mini-book, plus a cover artist, all ready to complete their illustrations as soon as this Kickstarter is successful. With your help, Big Ass Rainbow will be on its way to the printers in no time, and readers will be able to experience a world of mighty heroes and warring nations, nightmarish monsters and true love. There will be terror and whimsy, swords and cyborgs, beauty and chaos. And puns. So many puns.