Ladies and Gentleman, let me introduce to you The Best Card Game In The World. My name is Audrius. And i’m here to present to you, the best card game that the world has ever seen. For some time me and my friends spent a lot of time looking for a perfect game to play. Most games require a lot of time to finish. Who can spare eight hours of they’re life to finish a game of monopoly? Or need a lot of preparation, game board, dice or sand clock etc.

Right now, you may think that simple playing cards are the solution for our problem in looking for the best game to play with friends, but simple playing cards, are simply boring. So I came up with the answer to all the problems that most games has. This game is so simple, that even I understand how to play it. And I’m not a smart man. This game can be finished in five minutes. It’s perfect for those meetings with friends when you want to have a quick laugh and have a quick game. This game doesn’t require anything more than the game deck.

This game doesn’t even require a rule book, because it is so simple, so you won’t get lost in insane amount of rules or guidelines. And you yourself can decide the rules of the game and amount of cards that you’ll need. This game can be played by any amount of people. I tried it with 724 people and it was great. But most importantly this game is a lot of fun. (Disclaimer – This game is still very early in development and a lot of cards, or rules, could change. Another disclaimer – While testing this game none of 724 people were injured or bored).

Let me tell you a little bit about the game itself. It consists of deck of cards with 72 cards in it. And in that deck there’s two types of cards. Red ones are letter cards there’s a 52 of these. This deck is made for english alphabet which consists of 26 letters, so each letter has two letter cards. And blue are effect cards there’s 20 of these. Each player takes one card at a time. Let’s say in couple of turns you have four letter cards (red) from which you can make word TIME, so you play those cards, and you get four points. Simple, right? But let’s say, when you play your word, your opponent has a blue (effect) blocker card in his hands.

So he can play that card and it will negate all your letter cards, and you won’t get any points. There is a lot of effect cards like, blocker (blocks all of your opponent’s cards that he played), watchman (let’s you to look into your opponent’s hands and take one card of your choosing) and many more. And in order to win, all you need is to have more points than your opponent, when all cards are gone from the deck.

This game is still very early in development so a lot of cards could change. (I am not happy with the art and effects of couple of cards) And did I mentioned, that each and every card is hand drawn by me? My plan is to release a game which everyone could play. It doesn’t matter where you live, or what language you speak. Because I intend to release a deck, for every country in the world. So that even those who doesn’t speak english, could play this game. Also I really would like to make this game open to as many people as possible, so I’m planning to release a deck with braille letter, for those who are less fortunate than us.