First of all, thank you for your attention to my study project and my crowdfunding!

My name is Baptiste, I’m 23 years old and I’m a student in a pro cycle: animation movie and special effects at ESMA in Nantes ( a second year student in 2019-2020, I am accepted in the third year for the September 2020 school year in this renowned school (fifth animation school in the international ranking in 2020:

To cite some of ESMA’s recent successes:

Two films (“L’Aviatrice” and “Méli-Métro”) in the finals of the Student Oscars in Los Angeles in 2018.(

The film “Eye for an Eye” selected at the prestigious VES Awards 2020 in the category “Outstanding Visual Effects in a Student Project”.(

Thanks to my first two years of training and the dedication of my teachers, I was able to learn the basics of a universe that fascinates me:

acquire solid skills on softwares dedicated to the 3D animated film industry : Maya : Modeling, lighting, shading, animation ; Arnold/Renderman : Rendering engines ; Mudbox/Zbrush : Modeling and 3D sculpture ; Nuke : compositing

To deepen and master skills related to the pre-production of an animated film: Observation drawing/anatomy, Character design, Illustration, Storyboard, Scenario.

The training includes English courses to facilitate mobility in various countries and courses in Image Analysis and Art History, in order to create a solid artistic culture.

Although my school offers a general education offering students the possibility to evolve in all the 3D animation professions, the third year is oriented towards specialization in certain fields (in my case, lighting, shading, compositing), the making of a first animated short film and the beginning of the pre-production of the final film. The last year is exclusively dedicated to the making of the film.

So these are the two most important years of my training, and I can’t afford to give it up, and miss out on a job I’ve always been passionate about!

The first objective is to finance my third year for the amount of 7080 euros!

Having already taken out a student loan to finance my first two years, and my father being retired, it becomes very unrealistic to have access to a second loan, even guaranteed by the state, whose envelops are always empty.

With no other family support, my student work is used to live and pay my rent, but cannot allow me to finance school on top of that.

Having no other solutions, I am appealing to your generosity, which would allow me to finish my studies that I am passionate about and to finally be able to do the job I dream of!

Thanks to your donations, I could have the chance to finish my studies!

I am putting a link where you can find my first and second year work:

In return, I pledge to include you all in the end credits of my graduation film!

Thank you all for your attention and support!