Backpackers Paradise in partnership with Arroyave Photography seek funding to film and produce a new, fun, and informative web series on backpacking via Host Nathan Arroyave will travel to Asia for the first season backpacking throughout south China and South East Asia showcasing backpacker’s ways of traveling. Giving viewers tips and tricks on how they can travel cheap, from where to stay, how to travel, what to do and see and how people can make lasting memories and make new friends from around the world.

About Backpackers Paradise
Backpackers Paradise seeks funding of at least $35,000 to help film and produce the web series airing on their YouTube channel in mid 2015 ( Host, Nathan Arroyave will travel for over two months backpacking throughout Hong Kong, South China, Vietnam, Laos. Thailand, Singapore, Bali, Indonesia, and China town in Sydney and Melbourne Australia. Nathan says he is excited about the Indiegogo launch “I can’t want to start this journey and the only way is from the support of others via Indiegogo.” is a crowd funding platform website who has helped raised millions of dollars for people projects. Arroyave Photography ( the main partner seeks to help produce the web series with young talented professionals in cinematography and post production editing in order to help launch their careers giving them real world experience in production. Host, Nathan (@NathanArroyave) says the show will be “unscripted, adventurous, exciting, and informational. Something no other travel show has, traveling like a backpacker where your dollar goes further and impacts the local economy better. Every other travel show shows the fancy resorts that only the wealthy few can afford. When there is a whole other side of traveling, one where you travel light, get with the locals, and see and learn more about the culture and country than these multi national resorts.”

About Nathan Arroyave
Nathan has been traveling practically his whole life with friends and family. From road trips to practically all around the United States and even a last minute 3am road trip to Canada. Nathan has been to several places over seas including Mexico, Australia, and New Zealand. Nathan also is an amateur fine art and photojournalism photographer.

To learn more about the Indiegogo campaign you can visit To learn more about Nathan and some of his work you can visit him on Facebook ( find his blog at ( or follow him on twitter (@NathanArroyave) To keep up to date on Backpackers Paradise you can follow on Facebook ( and subscribe to their YouTube channel (

Nathan Arroyave – Host of Backpackers Paradise
1 (815) 218-1777