The new documentary “Away from Gaza“, by the italian director Roberto Quarta, tells the story of Musleh and Nahla, two Palestinians brothers blinded by white phosphorus bombs.

We have placed this project on Indiegogo looking for funds in order to complete it. The deadline for this campaign is the 29th of July 2013.

We ask everyone to share, contribute and make it happen visiting

Initially, Musleh and Nahla were cured in Gaza, in Al Nasr hospital specialized in ophthalmology, then in Jordan and now  they are in Rome, thanks to the President of the Palestinian National Authority, Abu Mazen, and to dr. Khalil Altoubat who support them financially and provide them with all necessary assistance, so allowing to be cured in specialized centers in Italy.

We want to tell their story. A journey from darkness to light.

The Israeli attack on Gaza in 2008-2009 was one of the most violent of the entire conflict that, since decades, sees Israelis and Palestinians opposing and represents a turning point in the international perception of the dramatic situation in which people live in the Gaza Strip: over a million and a half people in a territory of 360 km. This fact makes the Gaza Strip the world’s most overpopulated area.

Furthermore, since 2007 Israel has decreed an embargo that still endures. This meant that, during the Cast Lead bombing, the civilian population had no escape routes because the only two borders, one with Israel and one with Egypt, were closed.

In order to offer the widest possible view of the events, we asked the opinion of several people experts in various sectors, from international law to health care. In addition to collecting the testimonials of the protagonists: the two Gazawi brothers, the President Abu Mazen and Dr. Khalil Altoubat.

While we can’t promise you the “Miracle of Peace, we can tell you that all of the proceeds from this campaign will go directly to completing production and beginning post-production.

The project is only supported by ourselves but we have exhausted the resources and now we turn to you – the fans – to help us complete the documentary!

This is a story that needs to be told now. We want to interview more of the protagonists of this historical moment before that generation is lost. For example: Danilo Zolo, philosopher and expert on international law, Jérôme Malzac, a doctor who treated victims of white phosphorus;Dr. Colliardo, doctor of Musleh, Prof. Falcinelli doctor of Nahla; President Massimo D’Alema, former Italian Prime Minister and former Foreign Affair Minister.

If we raise our goal, we will be able to pay our cinematographer and sound recordist for 3 additional weeks of shooting, including other scenes with Musleh e Nahla, who declared that she does not care of blindness if needed to ensure peace.

Of course, our goal is the minimum we need to proceed, but more than that will help us to go further in completing the film. If we exceed our goal, we will use the additional funds for alleviating the condition of Musleh and Nahla.

Please, follow us on twitter @ste_conte or by using hashtag #awayfromgaza. Also you can access our Facebook page by going to