Summary: A new Australian award winning beverage product has just launched for crowd funding on Kickstarter. Goal is to raise $40,000 with rewards for backers including Quikstix product in plunger quality coffee and tea and first distribution options.

Place: Sydney New South Wales, Australia Date: 7 February 2014

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Online crowd funding is fast becoming a viable and successful opportunity for individuals and business to finance new ventures. recently spread its wings to Australia and picked up a clever new project that is causing a stir, literally. Quikstix, an Australian award winning invention in fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) has turned to crowd funding to raise $40,000 in assisting final set up for commercial manufacture and get its product out there.

Crowd funding is fast becoming a favourable alternative for financing anything from the arts and sport to design and technology. Quikstix Australia P/L is a start up Research and Development company that has set up to commercially manufacture in the Northern Rivers of New South Wales. “We turned to crowd funding as it had many benefits to traditional options while also getting our Quikstix product into people’s hands and opportunity to distribute” says inventor and Director of Quikstix Australia, Dave Hopper.

Quikstix makes a complete quality plunger or French press cuppa in any location, real quick. Think quality coffee or tea, infuser, stirrer, separate sugar and/or milk in one clever product in 30 seconds for around 50¢. The product consists of a biodegradable tube divided into two sections. One section with its micro perforated walls contains real coffee, tea or any beverage. The handle section with its tear off end tag contains the other ingredients to make your drink, such as sugar or whitener. As easy as tear tip stir, and sip.

“Finding a supplier to partner the micro perforation of the paper for Quikstix has been an issue, particularly here in Australia. This funding along with Government incentives for Australian manufacture will achieve our goal meaning Quikstix will be totally Australian from conception to cup.” explains Dave.

Rewards for backers of the project on Kickstarter include Quikstix coffee and tea combinations ranging from a carton of all 6 varieties for $200 up to first option to distribute this clever product. The project finishes on Kickstarter March 12, 2014.

About Us
Quikstix Australia P/L is a start up company based on the R & D of its IP protected Quikstix product, aimed at the FMCG quality coffee and tea. ACN: 113 841 731

Contact: Dave Hopper. Director of Quikstix Australia P/L and inventor.
M: 0411333040 D: 02 6674 8958 E: