Author and former State Senate Candidate, Don Quinn, released his new book, America: Tattered Glory on Kickstarter. This is a not a book for the faint of heart but a hard cold look in the mirror.  America: Tattered Glory pulls back the shades, exposing some of the realities facing America today.  The book discusses issues that include civil rights and the Black Lives Matters movement, the U.S. governments’ blatant disregard of personal freedoms, a lack of financial accountability in the government, the realities of rape and abuse in America, our homeless populations and more.  Where the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave once stood as a beacon of hope, Quinn suggests that we must first look at the realities of what we have become to be that beacon once more.

In his Kickstarter video, Don Quinn points out that presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are incredibly popular, in part, because American citizens know that there is something fundamentally wrong with the status quo.  America: Tattered Glory highlights what those challenges are, how we got here, and what must be done in order to bring about true change.

If you are passionate about America and your role in it, America: Tattered Glory is a must read.  With over 200 sources, it will educate, inform and enlighten you.  Just be aware that you may get angry in the process!  With issues tackled head on, Don Quinn does not hold back.  However, this is not a book full of despair.  In its pages, you will find cautious optimism from an author that firmly believes America’s best days are ahead as long as we the people are willing to take a long hard look in the mirror and join together to create a better future.

You can get your copy of America: Tattered Glory by visiting the Kickstarter campaign and pre-purchasing a copy.  Other rewards include bumper stickers and t-shirts with the phrase “Freedom is never more than a generation away from extinction” and “From I have a dream to I can’t breathe.” Don Quinn is selling both signed and unsigned copies of the book along with packages designed for book clubs interested in a conversation with the author or clubs looking for speakers.

Join the campaign and join the movement by visiting

For more information contact:

Don Quinn