Daft Concepts has launched it’s second Kickstarter Campaign: this time, to create upgraded maneuver template and token sets to the increasingly popular Star Trek Attack Wing game published by WizKids.

Supporters of the campaign are pledging for Daft Concepts to upgrade the “Ferengi chipboard components” to their choice of several florescent acrylic templates. Included in the base package will be the 13 standard movement templates and range rule. It will also include their custom ship markers, and 90 degree firing arc guide.

Ship Markers: Often during play it becomes necessary to move through another ships physical space on the board. Currently there is no existing mechanism within the game to keep track of correct positioning and angles when it is necessary to move a ship out of the movement path of another player. Daft Concepts has created a small angular piece which can mark the corner of any specific ship which can then be moved without fear of losing it’s precise position and angling.

90 Degree firing arc extension: The firing arc extender fits into the ship base and adds another inch and a half  to line up your ranger ruler. This allows for more accurate play and “keeps those pesky Romulans from fudging” on their firing arc.

Token Set: Also available is an upgraded token set which includes 90 pieces in total. ( 32 shield, 8 evade, 4 battle station, 4 scan, 8 cloak, 8 target lock, 16 disable, 4 disable, 4 critical hit, and 6 auxiliary tokens)

For more information, please visit the campaign fundraising page, here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/732415737/star-trek-attack-wing-compatible-movement-template

Star Trek: Attack Wing is a tactical space combat miniatures game, featuring pre-painted ships from the Star Trek Universe.

By using the FlightPath maneuver system* (licensed from Fantasy Flight Games), players engage in exploration and combat, traversing sprawling Star Trekspace maps made available via an in-store Organized Play program. As commander, players have the ability to customize, upgrade, and assign famous crewmembers to their fleets, which feature ships from the series’ prominent empires and forces as well as special stats and abilities, and unique maneuvers on separate Combat Dials.

Star Trek: Attack Wing is a standalone game which uses the core rule set of FFGs’ FlightPath game system with a Star Trek twist, but is not compatible with other FlightPath games from FFG. The FlightPath maneuver system used in Star Trek: Attack Wing is based on the original game design by Jason Little.