Jellyfish Games is proud to announce the launch of its Kickstarter campaign and that its game, Astrobase Command, has been accepted on Steam Greenlight.

Astrobase Command is a sandbox base-building RPG set in a low-tech science fiction universe. Inspired by the science fiction movies and television shows of the ’70s and ’80s, its focus is on the bonds the player will develop with the characters rather than the advanced technology they use. Build 3D starbases, explore exotic new worlds, and wage battles in space or on planetary surfaces. Everything is tied together by an advanced AI Storyteller that is like having a living, breathing Dungeon Master crafting a unique game experience for the player every time the game is played, offering endless replayability.

This is the game we wish we could have played when we were kids.

The Kickstarter runs until 10 AM EST on December 20th 2013.

Astrobase Command is now on Steam Greenlight.

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Jellyfish Games has a wide and vast range of game it experience, spanning from mobile games to MMORPG. It was founded by former triple-A developers Dave Williams, Adam Blatula and William Dollar in May of 2013.


Montreal is a fantastic place to start an indie games company. Without the support of our friends, there’s no way Jellyfish could have made it this far.


Jellyfish Games
Based in Montreal, Canada


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the author

AAA game developers that include a former Funcom producer, an EA programmer and a Warner Brothers system administrator have teamed up to make the type of games they have been yearning to play for years. We are currently developing Astrobase Command, a sci-fi RPG space station builder.