Have you ever heard of the term startup incubator? Well entrepreneur and TED Fellow Kavita Baliga’s new startup Desi Music Entertainment does just that – except with music. The new company has recently launched their crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to raise startup capital and has obtained 10% of their asking in less than 4 days!  The company aims to nurture, teach, produce, and promote talent – a 1 stop shop – that develops comprehensive strategy for up-and-coming talent but also takes a creative leap into production and worldwide digital distribution. The concept being – when the artist has one company that’s holding their hand through this lengthy process, it’s not only cost effective, it takes less time, and the artist ends up with one cohesive public identity that will set the tone for the rest of their career. The best part is, Desi Music Entertainment won’t own the copyright of their work.

Founder and CEO Kavita Baliga is optimistic about the progress and hopes to raise much more than the asking amount.  “As a musician and composer myself, I have been waiting for a service like this for the past 15 years and it just hasn’t happened.  I thought, it’s TIME.”

Help support this growing idea by pledging on Kickstarter: www.kickstarter.com

If you love music, you can’t not support this.


the author

Kavita Baliga is the founder of startup record label Desi Music Entertainment.