Fair Haven, MI – June 2, 2015 – A family of 4 is trying to survive on one income and pay off over $130,000.00 is student loans. Their goals are not to get rich but only survive and provide a college fund for their two small children and pay off their student loans.

Helina Kebede is a stay at home mom so she can guide their children in an American way, they don’t own a home but that is ok for now, just as long as they can pay the rent (which is a struggle for them on a single income) and feed their children as well.

Helina Kebede is not asking for a hand out just a hand up. They are a family that loves this country and believes in the American way but they need some help so we can pass on a better life to our children than we are living.

They want to pay it forward and help others and they know there are others that have it bad as well and they will work with their community and church to help others succeed with we share crowd funding. All they are asking for is a chance to pay it forward.

To learn more about the project or to help fund this campaign, please visit: wesharecrowdfunding.com


Helina Kebede
Fair Haven, MI
United States of America