Now introducing the allGreenup app, live on IndieGoGo! This innovative app encourages and multiplies positive actions with information and rewards to generate a positive impact on the planet. At allGreenup, we seek to change the relationship of people and taking care of the environment, and we do this by encouraging them to recognize and improve their impact on the planet with a entertaining and easy-to-use Mobile App that rewards users..

allGreenup provides a unique experience while jogging, bicycling, recycling, carpooling and reading green tips. With the simple action of just recording them in the app, you win green points that can be exchanged for prizes and discounts in the application.

Behind the idea of ​​giving benefits to people we intend to create a virtuous circle where everyone wins. First the planet and app users, and then brands with a sustainable spirit and small businesses of local commerce. It is they who, through a network of associated businesses, offer their products and services with no associated cost, seeking to position themselves and grow with new audiences.

The story begins with the arrival of KOEE to Chile. When meeting with the Luongo cousins, ​​Andrew and Sebastian, the young and enthusiastic koala realized that aside from belonging to different species they had much in common and above all a cause: unite people to take care of the planet.

This was how they started working on the idea of ​​allGreenup, which stands for something like “all who care about the planet stand up and do something for it. Every action counts. ” And two proposals emerged: to integrate technology and encourage people to participate. Shortly after, more people joined the team, which gave more intelligence and vitality. First Sebastián Moreno, who with his programming superpowers gave form to a mobile app which based its development on the feedback from people. Then came Elgueta Fabian, whose unique designer talents, put his abilities to the service of an image that could be close and at the same time very attractive to people.We already had a powerful tool and it looked great, but still lacked spirit. We were missing to transform allGreenup into a community. And it just so happened, by those synchronicities of life, that Javiera Luongo had just finished university and joined this initiative with the goal of creating a network of brands and associated commerce. A circle of sustainable entrepreneurs. And what about the users? And the people?

To create a community linked to the cause, Jaime Spinoza joined who used the glue of good intentions and actions of all and called for people to join. All this happened in less than 8 months and since this chance encounter between a koala and two humans, we have managed to create a community of more than 10,000 active users and more than 12,000 followers on social media. Mainly in Chile, but growing rapidly in Argentina and Mexico. Every day more people join, who not only live in the world but also enjoy and take care of it. Individuals who believe that from their personal space can create a collective transformation. People like us who truly believe that every action counts.

What is our next step? Expand our cause and bring more people to join our community.

allGreenup focuses not only on a limited and green audience. It starts from there strengthening good habits, but also seeks to spread to those who have not yet developed a sustainable lifestyle awareness. For them offers benefits such as free movie tickets, ski tickets or tickets to concerts, among others. And since we understand that many people take care of the planet without wanting to receive anything in return, app users can donate their points to institutions working for the environment. For example, we currently have available the possibility of planting a tree together with the Chilean foundation “Reforestemos la Patagonia” in the allGreenup forest located in the southern part of Chile. Please take a moment to check out our IndieGoGo campaign and share with friends and family to help us reach our goal. Thank you!