Alice Lee, designer and founder of Doodles Graphic Designs is launching a Kickstarter campaign to expand the production of her highly sought after greeting cards. Featuring vector graphics and heartwarming, amusing messages, this talented designer’s products are truly unique and already in high demand.

“I wanted to design cards that people can relate to by turning thoughts that people have really had – built from both my own experiences and those of my friends and family – into beautifully designed cards that can be shared at the most special times in life,” says Alice.

Doodles Graphic Design’s range covers all occasions. To be able to fund the first batch of printing and sell them online, Doodles Graphic Designs has launched a Kickstarter project. The goal is to reach £2000 by 22nd June 2015.

This brand of storytelling through the medium of greetings cards is something entirely unique and Doodles Graphic Designs is planning to take this offering online and into gift shops across the UK. Elements of Alice’s collection are currently available for purchase on Etsy, however with the support of the Kickstarter community, Doodles Graphic Designs will be able to produce 50 bespoke designs, which will be professionally printed in the UK.

Supporting local talent is something that the UK is good at. By donating to this Kickstarter campaign, not only will you be endorsing an incredibly gifted designer, but you will also be raising awareness of Alice’s products and help to get them stocked in a store near you. Initial supporters of this campaign will also be able to choose from a range of rewards, as a thank you for supporting Alice.

We’re pretty sure we’ve sold it to you, so now all you need to do is click a few more buttons to show your support for Doodles Graphic Design’s fantastic Kickstarter campaign. And remember to spread the word across Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and any other social channels you use. Oh and tell your friends too…word of mouth still does wonders.

Link to Kickstarter Project:

the author

My name is Alice and I live in Edinburgh, Scotland in a small flat close to the hustle and bustle of city life. I'm a major lover of all things creative and enjoy spending time conjuring up new projects anything from knitting, painting to a bit a diy around the flat.