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Aftereffect is a feature film that deals with the before and after of abortion. Abortion is an issue that affects the whole world, regardless of demographic, race/ethnicity, or personal beliefs.

As filmmakers we decided to accept the challenge of raising this issue through the platform of visual entertainment, and we feel that this is a clever way of reaching out to a broader audience and relaying a message as powerful as this one.

With creative writer and Director Roshaun Page, an extremely talented cast, and a production crew with over 10 years of combined experience, we believe this to be a great film with a message that will compete and be awarded in film festivals domestically and internationally, ultimately landing worldwide distribution.

The Story

All is well in the life of Shina Wright, a new house, a new job, and a man who loves her. Until she makes a heart wrenching choice that shatters her life; altering her reality.

Meet the leading ladies

Shawntay Dalon is Shina Wright.

Shawntay Dalon

Shawntay Dalon is an Award winning actress, acting Coach, and filmmaker here in the U.S.A, Sweden, London, and Australia. She is also a Spoken Word artist and Writer. Shawntay started her own Production company, CalienTay Productions in 2010 which she has written and produced stage plays, short films, and features.

Jillian Mitchell is Christina


Jillian Mitchell discovered her passion for acting when she was just ten years old. As a child she was a very shy and uneasy. However her last year in elementary school was a pivotal moment in her life. Her 5th grade class conducted a school play and Mitchell won one of the lead roles. She discovered the ease she felt during rehearsals and for the first time, she didn’t feel uncomfortable in front of her classmates or other adults. In the midst of her performance, she completely forgot her lines! Instead of the expected mad dash to the door, Mitchell stayed calm and unknowingly had her first improvisational performance. Even considering the circumstance she felt a sense of ease and comfort on stage even though her classmates and teachers where aware of her mistake. At the age of ten Mitchell knew the stage was where she needed to be. From that day on, she knew her calling

The Man Behind the Camera

Roshaun Page – Writer/Director


Aftereffect is the first feature film for actor, writer, and director Roshaun Page. Roshaun has been acting for over 8 years until he decided to take his career in his own hands by creating the Production Company “It’s A R.A.P. Production”, which are his initials translating as “It’s A Roshaun Akeem Page Production”.

The first Project that he released under the company titled Choices (Below), which is the short film of Aftereffect, snagged a best Screen play award in 2012.


The Campaign

We need your help in raising $20,000 for “Aftereffect”

The $20,000 we’re trying to raise, is what we need to get the ball rolling covering some of the cost of Pre-Production and Production. This amount includes equipment rentals, locations, music, insurance, and attaching name talent.

Funds raised through Indiegogo will allow “Aftereffect” to become a reality. For more information about how to contribute to this project, visit the Indiegogo page at, where you can receive a range of rewards, including a copy of the script, signed DVD’s, and even spend a day on set.

We understand that not everyone can donate, but there is something you can do. Help us raise awareness, get the word out and make some noise about our project.

Thanks For Your Time, Donations and Support

“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success”
-Henry Ford-