This women’s fiction original brings you into a hidden world inside every major city; the criminal underbelly. Twylite Epiphany Experiment is a story documented by repudiated Minneapolis cop Joe Peabody, as he follows the tragic case of career-criminal Destiny Van Heart. Destiny is a known drug mule, addict, and woman with a troubling unexplained circle of death surrounding her. Her past is troubling enough, but her cohorts are showing up murdered by the hundreds. Police recognize the unusual body count but justice is not being served as the victims all share extensive criminal histories and an active role in the illegal drug market. A sinister experiment is racking up thousands and Destiny is forced into the middle of her worst nightmares to figure out what exactly is killing everyone.

Twylite Epiphany Experiment has received praise from agents and publishers alike.

Allen from Timeless Words Publishing says: “This is the kind of writing that can not be taught. You have that innate ability to engage your reader, pull them into your world and not let go. The writing is flawless, the dialogue is amazing, and you were born to write”.

Chris from O’Toole Editing says: “Overall, you have terrific talent. I know that I would be excited to read future works, in this series or others. Clearly this one took a lot of planning and writing from the soul, and I commend you for that! I hope to see it on shelves everywhere.”

The only step left is publishing and marketing to ensure maximum exposure to the people who would value this book. I have the publisher ready to do both, I am just looking for support from people like you! You can be an invaluable part of this Novel’s publication by just visiting the crowdfunding site and sharing what you can. you can visit:

For more details or to learn about writing services and works provided by this author please don’t hesitate to check out the authors personal writing business and can be reached at as well.

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