BROOKLYN, NY (April 11, 2014) – A crowdfunding project on Kickstarter has been launched to support the second feature film by writer, producer and director Mya B. Named by Trace Magazine as “a filmmaker to watch” Mya B hopes to raise $15,000 for her documentary entitled, “Afraid of Dark”. The feature-length documentary explores the damaging black male stereotypes that hinder the success of Afro-Americans worldwide. Mya B said of the motivation behind the highly intentional documentary, “America has been taught to fear the black man hence the title, ‘Afraid of Dark’. As a black woman, mother, lover and friend this concerns me.

Endeavoring to get to the bottom of why black men are negated due to racial bias the filmmaker speaks with writers, historians and entertainers to shed light on generations of unwarranted abuse. In the film Mya B speaks with Dr. Cornel West, Tom Burrell and other predominate thinkers like Dr. Khalil Gibran Muhammad and Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams discussing the topic of the “Mandingo” and “Brute” stereotypes. Using a “breakdown of scientific racism” Mya B highlights three generations of black men in her family. With this focus she demystifies demeaning stereotypes that, throughout history, have bequeathed a subconscious belief in future generations that has contributed to violence and the incarceration of black men at disturbing rates.

Crowdfunding support will bring Afraid of Dark to audiences in limited release. Thus far the film’s trailer has gained the support of Huffington Post, BET, Gossip, and Uptown. Additionally, Mya B has made appearances on TV One News and Arise.TV.

About Afraid Of Dark Documentary:

Afraid of Dark is a feature-length documentary devoted to uncovering the reasons why Afro-American males are discriminated against in society. The film endeavors to bring about change for black males and demystify stereotypes.

To make an investment in the Afraid of Dark Kickstarter crowdfunding project visit:

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Mya B