A Cap a Day from Singapore has officially launched their Kickstarter campaign on Kickstarter this week. They are seeking $1,580 in pledges to launch The Inspire Cap Project by 2 August.
Made of 100% high-quality cotton twill, Inspire Caps are soft and breathable, yet durable and textured. Each cap comes with stitched eyelets for ventilation and breathability, sweatband to maximize comfort, and a pre-curved visor to shield the wearer from the sun.
“Our social mission is to spread positive energy and vibes around the globe,” Angie, Founder of A Cap a Day said. “Our aim is to create high-quality, comfortable, yet extremely affordable baseball caps to inspire the world.”
Depression has jumped by more than 18% worldwide since 2005, especially for young adults aged 12 – 20. Others find themselves trapped in a never-ending cycle of mundane work and heavy responsibilities and expectations. Angie wishes to change this by inspiring “those who have stopped trying to find the courage to set off once again to pursue their love and passion.”
There are eight pledge levels in the Kickstarter campaign valued from $5 to $143. Rewards vary based on the quantity of caps. There is also an option to add on $8 for each additional cap if the highest reward tier is chosen. Rewards will ship to anywhere in the world in October 2017.
Angie understands that getting her ‘Inspire Cap’ business idea running will require a great deal of work. She has spent a large amount of time and effort personally designing the caps, choosing the right materials to maximise comfort for users, finding reliable manufacturers and liaising with them, and more. Finally, she is working on establishing a good marketing campaign to get her product sold.
“By wearing our caps, you will be helping us spread positive messages to the people around you,” Angie said. “We hope that more will join us on this journey to make fashion more meaningful.”
Support The Inspire Cap Project:
Kickstarter: www.kickstarter.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/
Instagram: www.
Kickbooster: the-inspire-cap.