Production is set to start in 2015 on the upcoming much anticipated film, “Addicted To Chaos” from Melvin James Filmworks. The film marks the fifth feature film from Melvin James whose film, “While The Cats Away” was an official selection of the 2013 Cannes International Film Festival Court Metrage. The film profiles Damon Godfree, a 30-year-old actor living in the Hell’s Kitchen area of Manhattan and his battle to break into the celebrity-dominated fortress of the silver screen. His motto- “Use whatever you can however you can and get noticed or die in the shadows of obscurity.”

Damon is obsessed with becoming a legend. One night Adolphus, an NYU film student confronts him after one of his sold out stage plays and asks to document his acting career for his film school thesis. Adolphus follows Damon around with a small camera filming everything from Damon’s auditions to his boring days at work as a waiter. But when Damon gets a call from his manager about an opportunity to audition for a great film director, he pulls himself together to put on one of the best performances of his life. He is offered the lead role in a major motion picture. Damon sees this as his great calling in life; his destiny being fulfilled. But when the film offer is suddenly revoked, the ground that he so firmly once stood upon crumbles beneath him. This sends Damon into a fit of depression and extreme rage. Damon convinces himself that everything that has happened to him up to this point has prepared him for a new calling: Serial Killer. Damon sets upon a journey that catapults him into infamy and he becomes more and more addicted to the chaos that’s forthcoming.

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Writer, Director, Producer of feature films, television, shorts.