San Francisco, CA | August 4, 2015 – The digital health startup is launching a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo for a blood pressure kit which uses the professional doctor’s method to provide reliable and consistent readings , employing a smartphone and an app.

Most automatic blood pressure monitors employ their own algorithms for measurement. As a result, a patient gets different readings, depending on the monitor they are using. It may lead to inappropriate treatments or a lack of them, putting millions of people in danger of fatal strokes, myocardial infarctions or exposing them to adverse drug and psychological effects, and unnecessary expenses.

Accutension solves the problem by making a smartphone a powerful tool for everyone’s healthcare regime. It provides blood pressure readings based directly on the sounds, not algorithms, resulting in accurate, consistent and reliable blood pressure measurement.

The gizmo can work with a traditional sphygmomanometer or an automatic BPM or as a standalone kit with its own cuff. The sounds from the tube of the stethoscope are fed into the phone through a microphone plugged into the jack.The smartphone records the blood pressure sounds. Accutension App visualizes them, so you can simultaneously see the sounds on your phone’s screen. A user can playback the sounds after the measurement to ascertain the reading. If case the results are disturbing, a patient can email the file to their doctor to immediately alert them.

Accutension can also be plugged into an automatic BPM to verify its readings. It will provide a simultaneous second reading on a smartphone from the same device.

“My friend was misdiagnosed because of inaccurate reading from automatic BPM. Unfortunately, his experience is not unique. I want to attract attention to the situation and, with help from the community, solve the problem and offer peace of mind to the millions of people struggling from hypertension,” said Junfeng Zhao, the inventor of Accutension.

Almost 1,000 Americans die DAILY from causes related to high blood pressure. Two thirds of adults have blood pressure higher than normal. Monitoring their condition and forecasting the problems is critical.

Thanks to the progress in healthcare, people live longer than ever before. Over the last hundred years, life expectancy has increased by nearly 30 years. Seniors will represent twenty percent of the population in the United States by 2030. This massive demographic shift creates a new challenge for the healthcare system. In order to meet it, the industry should employ technology innovations, making them available for everybody – from doctors to patients.

Early adopters of Accutension on Indiegogo have an opportunity to support the innovation and entrepreneurship and to order Accutension Stetho for $19 (to verify the readings of your own device) or a self-reliant kit for $59.

To learn more about the project, visit the Indiegogo page:
Contact the inventor:
The company’s website: