
My name is Alan Hoyle, I am the co-founder of Aspire 2 Achieve.
Aspire 2 Achieve is a Northumberland based organisation whose prime purpose is to raise the awareness, confidence and productivity of youths in the North East area via the medium of sport and other various fun and challenging activities.

The aim of our organisation is to build self confidence, concentration and self-esteem in young people through the medium of our activities.

Last year I was lucky enough to have been chosen to run with the Olympic Torch in my home region, the response and experience was amazing.
I spent the next 12 months travelling the United Kingdom with the Olympic Torch raising money for various charities, along with visiting terminally ill children who’s wish it was to see the Olympic Torch.

Travelling with the Torch, along with the community work which we do on a daily basis, has allowed me to meet and work along side some amazing people of all ages, from speaking to people on my journey, just about everybody wished to have their photograph taken next to the TARDIS, from young to elderly, the TARDIS is a timeless icon which links generations together.

We have set up a Kickstarter to try and raise £900 to build our own TARDIS which we will then take around the United Kingdom, visiting hospitals, hospices, children’s homes, along with schools and local town events.

In November we aim to have the TARDIS at a local fire works display, since the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who falls around the same time, we have already secured a group of Daleks to come along to the events, we have Tenth and Eleventh Doctors lookalikes coming along, and aim to get some Ride In Daleks for the Children to drive around (weather permitting), all we need is the TARDIS itself!

We have also been asked to run a special Dr Who 50th Anniversary event on the actual date in Northumberland, it would be amazing to have our own TARDIS at this event.

The TARDIS, which will be complete with electric lights and sounds, will be constructed by a group of young people whom we teach Sport and Video Games Design to, whilst a local craft company will be on hand to help out with the construction.
Our design and size will be built to scale with the current TARDIS exterior. We have planned for our design to easily be folded into small sections to allow easy transport around the United Kingdom.
We already have the trailer to transport our TARDIS, and our compact design will allow us to transport it around with ease. The electrics will also feature an infra-red control sensor which will be controlled by a Sonic Screwdriver Remote Control, so all the lights, sounds and smoke machine can be controlled with the ‘Sonic’.

A local artist, who does 3D street art, will paint an inner board which, when the doors are open, give the illusion that it is actually bigger on the inside.
We have spent months researching the TARDIS and various TARDIS building guides to ensure our build is of the highest quality, with a local sign maker creating all the signs required with high quality aluminium, the ‘Police Public Call Box’ signs will feature translucent text for illumination.

We also plan to provide young people at each event with Doctor Who themed ‘goody bag’ including Dalek, TARDIS, Cybermen, K-9 and Sontaran shaped biscuits, cakes and chocolates. (subject to allergies and parents permission).

Years ago, my Grandfather and great Grandfather ran Martino’s Ice Creams in our local town, even today, people still talk about it. Along with the chocolates and cakes, we will take Ice Cream, made from our families top secret recipe, along to the Spring and Summer events which will introduce a whole new generation to some real local history.

Please help us reach our goal of creating our TARDIS which will being joy to thousands of young people around the UK, and give us another tool to raise even more money for the amazing charities who work tirelessly with serious ill children and young people who face problems every single day, thank you.

The link to our Kickstarter is : https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/717193571/build-a-tardis-to-fly-through-space-an-i-mean-the thanks for your time.