Growing up its always been a hobby of mine to bury my emotions in poetry for others to dig up and treasure later. As I did this and found myself reaching a few hundred people who appreciated the piece of myself I handed to them to discover, I dreamed one day I could be good enough to publish those feelings and share them with the world. Well life gets in the way and I put those dreams off too take care of the things around me and felt further and further away from that dream everyday, at times just completely forgetting who I wanted to be. Then I started having medical issues and started to dread the thought that maybe one day I wouldn’t be able to accomplish the challenges ahead of me let alone my aspirations of connecting with others through poetry. Lately, as I’ve been wallowing in the thought of facing my mortality I’ve found the motivation to just take the leap and take a shot at turning my dreams into reality.

So I’m presenting to the world a collection of my poetry with accompanying art work from up and coming artists and people who have found their inspiration in my words too. I decided why not just try and make other peoples dreams come true as well, so I started paying artists for these beautiful pieces and decided I didn’t just want to publish myself but also to bring attention to the people that also want their shot to be heard in a world that often muffles the best of us.

I hope you enjoy my work and theirs and will support our journey to create something for everyone to enjoy and possibly a series for many years to come.

Jessica Patrick
Datore Fargo Publishing