Charlie & The Black Dog crowdfunding campaign is 25% of the way there after 48 hours.

London, UK — A crowdfunding campaign based in South London to help raise funds for a picture book addressing child mental health has raised a quarter of its initial goal in just two days.

“I am completely overwhelmed by the generosity of everyone who has pledged already. I know that child mental health is extremely important, especially at this time, so it’s fantastic to see people support the project and make it become a reality” said Ruth Spence, author of Charlie & The Black Dog

Charlie & The Black Dog is a picture book that seeks to raise awareness of childhood depression, to open up discussions around mental health but also help children and their families, or professionals who work with children like teachers and social workers, to recognise the symptoms of depression and learn some simple techniques that can help. Proceeds from sales will go to support Shaw Mind mental health charity.

Child mental health problems are widespread, at least 10% of children and young people have a mental health problem. That’s equivalent to three pupils in every classroom. Over the last five years referrals to specialist Child and Adolescent Mental Health services have continued to increase. This means it is harder to access services, even for young people who have self-harmed or attempted suicide. Since the pandemic there are widespread reports of child mental health problems increasing, Save the Children found almost one in four children are dealing with feelings of anxiety and many are at risk of lasting psychological distress.

Projects like this can help children by creating resources that encourage conversations between children and their carers about their feelings and to offer support outside of a clinical setting or if they are unable to access services straightaway.