Back when Occupy Wall Street was a thing, a whole wave of folks began to realize that 1% of the U.S. population is way richer than everybody else.

Too often people lament over not having the lavish lifestyle, but life’s too short to forget that the absurdity of your life is what makes it glorious. In 99 Signs You Are Not in the 1%, readers will be able to laugh about the sheer nonsense we have to deal with in life that fills us with rage, as well as see that sometimes the grass isn’t always greener.

This book will change your life.

Well it will make you laugh, at least.

99 Signs You Are Not in the 1% takes readers on a hilarious ride through the life of us regular folks. Folks who don’t have private jets or three vacation homes.

Need proof that you are one of us – one of the 99%? Read this book! Here is an excerpt:

You’ve got take-out numbers on speed-dial. They know your order. They know your name. At this point, you should send the Chinese restaurant around the corner a “Thank You for Being There” Card. They’ve fed you so often, they’re practically family. And they don’t judge you if you order the family combo meal when it’s just you at the apartment.

You have an estranged relationship with your delivery food guy. Maybe you know his name, maybe you don’t. Maybe you’re building up to finally having a full-blown conversation with the guy. Maybe you’ll invite him to eat with you, establish a beautiful friendship, travel the world together, grow old together – and at his funeral, you’ll finally pay that two-dollar minimum tip.

Help us spread the 99% cheer across the whole world!

Please support this project so you can actually read the book! There are also some pretty awesome backer rewards such as stickers, bookmarks, postcard portraits, tote bags, computer desktop wallpaper, and original sketches!

For more details please visit the Kickstarter page
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