Port St. Lucie, FL (WEB) February, 7, 2018 — Jim Jeffers, Danelle Michaud with ElPezCore Press and Fantabiography.com are pleased to announce a new Kickstarter campaign to fund the book, 52 Weeks: A Performance / Video Project Re-Envisioned by artist Jim Jeffers and designer Danelle Michaud. They have given themselves 30 days to raise $5,000 worth of funding in order to get hardcover versions of the book printed.

Kickstarter.com, a fundraising website with an ‘All or Nothing’ fundraising model gives artists a specific amount of time to raise all the funds for their project, or the project receives nothing. Jim Jeffers’ and Danelle Michaud’s Kickstarter has a 30-day fundraising window that started on February 7th, 2018 and that will end on March 9th, 2018.

52 Weeks: A Performance-Video Project Re-envisioned is a collaboration between the artist, Jim Jeffers and the designer, Danelle Michaud. The initial project, completed for the web in 2011, was made up of 52 video / performance works – one realized each week of 2010.

The work has been exhibited in video form, as well as re-performed live at numerous art venues around the United States. This book documents and expands on the initial project, with wonderful illustrations and design work by Danelle Michaud, standing as a final compilation of and reaction to the initial project. The book is eclectic, diaristic and intimate, grappling with travel, dislocation, and global events. It marks time, reflecting thoughts and feelings of the moment, both of artist and designer.

The book, once funded, will be printed by Thomas-Shore, a USA based printer that specializes in book printing. The final product will be a 9×7 case-wrapped, hardcover book. It will be 136 pages long and will feature 52 stories that go in depth into the background of each video project and will also feature 40 different illustrations that re-envision the original project. Once the books have been printed Jim Jeffers and Danelle Michaud hope to get the books shipped out by the end of April.

To learn more about book and to help get it funded check out the project’s page on Kickstarter here:  www.kickstarter.com

About Jim Jeffers:

Jim Jeffers is an artist and designer working with computer mediation, web-art, performance, photography and video in conjunction with conventional media. Exploring cultural material and material culture—generatively oscillating at the nexus of fantasy and biography (Fantabiography)—Jim finds the meta-spiritual and psychoactive critically important as incredibly elusive in art and design.

About Danelle Michaud:

Danelle Michaud is a graphic designer and digital artist who specializes in print media, web media, and digital art.

Jim Jeffers
ElPezCore Press

Danelle Michaud