Imagine waking up to a beautiful Good Morning Circle in your inbox every morning! Imagine knowing that you are connecting with people all over the world stopping to pause, viewing the same image! Good Morning Circles are beautiful invitations to reconnect with nature, reflect on an intention, meditate, or pray. I have created that opportunity in this kickstarter campaign, and you are invited to be a part!

Last December after creating a little nature mandala at home, I borrowed a camera to capture the moment. Then, on a whim, I decided to challenge myself to create and photograph one nature circle everyday for a year! I began sharing my circles and have received lovely words in return. It is all about connection! Through nature, we are all connected and this project is a beautiful reminder. I am more excited about creating Good Morning Circles everyday! I feel like I am just getting started.

I do have one small obstacle to overcome in order to finish this year of circles. I am still using that same, borrowed camera and at the end of May, I will no longer have access to it. In order to continue this project, I really do need your help! Without a camera, I cannot continue to create and share my circles. It is that simple.

If I reach my goal with this campaign, I will purchase a FujiFilm camera. If the goal is exceeded, I will purchase other photo and lighting equipment, or studio storage boxes for all this nature stuff!

I really, really do need your help to share this project. I am just a humble, little drop in the pond. Share this story with your friends, family, and social media and let’s see how far the ripples can go!

Thanks so much for taking the time to consider joining other like-minded people exploring our connection through Good Morning Circles!