Cats vs Dogs. Which is better? Let your voice be heard in this super fun Kickstarter campaign!

I am excited to present to you my stunning 2016 Limited Edition Cats vs Dogs Calendars! These premium limited edition calendars are perfect for your home, office, dorm room, heck, you could hang them anywhere! If you like my calendars then you will fall in love with the high resolution posters. Don’t want a calendar or a poster but still would like to cast your vote? Select the $5 pledge to voice which animal you like!

Now what you have all been waiting for: The Calendars!

These are the incredible images you will be expecting to see in my calendars: If calendars aren’t you thing then here are some super awesome posters:

Will you be donating any of the proceeds?

Nope. Kickstarter has a strict policy on not raising donations for charity but who knows I might donate my personal funds to a rescue shelter.

Everybody loves a good cat video. For endless entertainment and to stay up to date on what we are doing you can follow us at our media channels here:


Music provided by Sean Wasabi follow him and discovers his music here.

Risks and Challenges

Our only risk/challenge is that we need to raise at least $2500 to begin printing. With out that initial investment nothing happens. That is why I personally ask each of you to please share my project on all of your social media platforms. Thank you!

Feature Me

If you are interested in featuring my Kickstarter campaign on your website or blog please contact me at: I try to respond to all of my emails each day and will be in touch with you as soon as possible.

Kickstarter Campaign: