Arrow Project 100% Bamboo Sunnies Pozible Campaign

Recently designed 100% Bamboo Sunnies inspired by the smart phone application Instagram.

The idea behind the glasses is an old school wayfarer frame juxtaposed with the 21st century trend of an Instagram filtered lens feel; specifically the Hudson filter.

*Note: Inta-sunnies are based on a creative description of these lens/shades, they are not to be confused with the actual Instagram filter. These sunnies only give a particular Instagram filer feel for description only.

“Fashion is about the individual’s creative ideas on how he or she wants to present himself to the work, and fashion gives on that channel to express one’s creative personality,” said Arrow Project founder Villoni Wurfel.

Different pledges each come with specific varying rewards. This ranges from a vibrant and chic pocket square, to the actual sunnies themselves, and more.

The funds will be used for production and manufacturing purposes, including material for manufacturing, packaging and shipping delivery.

This project was launched with the crowdfunding platform Pozible. In order for the sun glasses to be created Arrow Projects must raise $5,000 by July 25th 2014.

“When fashion meets personality, it brings innovative style.” – Creator, Villoni Wurfel

More Information or to visit the project!