Hi, I need help paying this Dr Bill, as I have fought tooth and nail with Medicaid, and they won’t budge, I even got our county elect official involved, but The Dept of Human Services, will not acknowledge this, I know I can just let this bill go to collections, but I really don’t want to as I just started to re-build my credit from when I had to quit working and lost everything, my house, everything, so keeping my credit where it is means a lot to me, as I feel like a loser to begin with. I’m very sick with a disease I have that has come out of remission (May 2012), it’s called “Porphyria Cuteana Tarda”, it is a very rare disease, very complex, not many doctor’s are willing to help a person with this.

There is no cure, you can only treat the symptoms, and if I listed all the symptoms I have, you guys would think I’m nuts, before I realized that it was the “Porphyria” that was making me so sick in May 2012, I thought I was going crazy because of the amount of symptoms, and what some were/are. I was originally diagnosed in 1994, and in 1996 it went into remission, a Hematologist/Oncologist treated me at that time, back then everybody wanted me as their patient because of it’s rarity, and doctors would learn from it, it is hereditary.

So far , since it came out of remission, I have been to 6 “hematologist/oncologist”, even at University Hospitals, where the love to take on these rare cases, being they are teaching hospitals. The unfortunate part is being that Obamacare was coming, these doctors came right out and told me, because of the fact they don’t know how/what the new Healthcare Law was going bring, they did not want to take on such a complicated case, it is the worst feeling to be so sick, and not have one Professional want to help, I have Fibromyalgia, Asthma, high blood pressure, GERD, IBS, and depression/anxiety/panic attacks, they don’t have a problem dealing with those medical issues.

My life has done a 360 with this disease, I’m not “living” life, I’m just sitting in my apt, so sick waiting for the next issue that is going to impact my life in a bad way, and I was never a negative person, but with the lack of interest in caring, it’s very easy to be negative. I’m very weak, and I have lost interest in everything I use to love, (which happens with this disease). I have helped many ppl in my lifetime, many animals as well, and now I need help, just a one time “thing”, because I’m not enjoying this asking for help business, I’m embarrassed, and just feel like low life scum, and that’s on top of being sick, so it’s not helping me any, but I’m at that point where I had to do something, I am selling things of mine on Ebay, trying to make a buck, but I don’t have much that ppl want, so it’s very slow going. So, I please ask for your help, and if you could share my campaign, as I would be so relieved to get 1 issue off my back. Please feel free to ask me anything…. Thank You, Julie Wende www.indiegogo.com

the author

I'm 45 yrs old, divorced, 2 cats, and I've been dealing with a rare disease I have that has come out of remission, the name "Porphyria Cuteana Tarda", it's very complex, I'm having a hard time finding a doctor who will take on my case. I was a Pharmacy Tech, then I went into the Mortgage industry, but had to stop working due to my health, so I now receive the money I paid into Social Security, for my "disability", I live month to month, with no room for something to break down, etc.... 3 yrs ago I moved out to the country per my doctor because "emotional and physical stress", can make the attcks with my disease much worse, I also got rid of all the "negative" in my life, which means, I literally have nobody, no family, no friends..... I'm happy in the choice I made getting these ppl out of my life, but I also thought I would easily meet new ppl in this small town, but I was dead wrong, the 3 yrs I have been here have been the most horrible and stressful yrs of my life, and I'm not joking. My dad passed in 2003, he was my buddy, my best friend...... being he was a Marine back in the Korean War, and WWII, and how darn intelligent he was, (he was an engineer for Sylvania 40 yrs), and how laid back and calm, I honor him everyday, especially because I do not know how he put up with my mother..... since this disease has ben out of remission, I have lost interest in everything I use to enjoy, I hope and pray to get that back again, as I just feel numb. I use to love Nascar, Football (Pittsburgh steelers), movies, music, hiking, anything out doors. I do miss those things a lot.