Electron microscopist, Louise Hughes, announces the launch of her new microscopy art Kickstarter project (www.kickstarter.com), featuring unique items of jewellery created from the shape of human chromosomes. Based in Oxford (UK), the project links fashion and science by using microscope images of chromosomes as the foundation for the rings, pendants, earrings, bracelets and cufflinks. Each item is 3D printed in stainless steel, bronze or silver and is available from the different tiers of backer rewards.
Most of the items feature the sex chromosomes X and Y and the project offers a range of combinations, XX for female, XY for male and intersex XXY. Louise says, “While I am a cis-gender female I have friends who identify as cis-gender, trans-gender or intersex. I think it is important to offer a range as human gender identity is a sliding scale rather than polarised. The Kickstarter allows you to select a combination of designs, I wear the XX and XY designs on my ears and the XXY as a pendant.”
In addition to the sex chromosomes, there are also designs featuring all of the chromosomes (the karyotype designs). By request there is also a design featuring three copies of chromosome 21, a genetic disorder that causes Down’s syndrome. According to Louise this design was a special request, “When I was showing people my designs in the prototyping phase I was asked to produce a design for Trisomy 21 (Down’s syndrome).” In a post on Google+ the recipient of the pendant said “I love this pendant and it brought tears to my eyes because of what it means and who it represents.”
The project is live until the 1st of March and has a goal of £1,100. If the goal is reached Louise will be able to print the designs in different materials and get some professional photography done for an online store.