Hi there and thank you for reading my article. My name is Emil and I am a Lego enthusiast and animator.
You can see my previous work on my YouTube channel and I have an awesome fantasy adventure I’m working on that you can see more details on in this video.
I’ve had a lot of fun refining my stop-motion techniques and special effects but have come to the point where I need to take my videos to a new level.
My kickstarter project is about taking the Lego experience to a next level.
As an animator I feel that Lego has more potential when it comes to stop-motion animation.
This is why I have designed custom pieces that can really add to the dynamic of the Lego experience.
As you can see I have designed a collection of arms and a female torso.
For these one of a kind high-quality pieces to get into your hands I will need your help to reach my target goal so that I can create our first bulk order.
Let your archers take aim.
Make your soldiers combat ready.
Have your Lego girls take shape.
But to make this happen I need your help to build that better Lego experience.
You can help by sharing, tweeting and most of all, Donating.
Let us together build the foundation for a better Lego experience.

the author

I'm a Lego enthusiast and animator. I've been playing with Legos since I was 4 and been animating for about 14 years. I've often thought about how Lego toys can be improved and I have come up with some solutions.