Historical Conquest: The Journey Through Time is an exciting and unique card game in which players create personalized societies with key players from history and battle them against one another… anyone, anywhere, anytime. Each card is complete with fantastic illustrations and interesting summaries of people, places, and events in history. The abilities on each card used in the game relate to the abilities these individuals actually had during their lives.

Eric the Red can help the Mongol Army conquer Argentina during the Black Plague. Albert Einstein can live peacefully in Japan under the leadership of Abraham Lincoln during World War I. The possibilities are endless, as is the fun!

As we at Historical Conquest promised, we are now releasing our first set of boosters for pre-order in the form of a fundraiser. All donations will be used to help fund the printing of future boosters and expansion games. We have partnered with Kickstarter (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/fastfacts/historical-conquest-the-booster-packs ) to provide a system to gather funds for these prints. We hope that through this fundraiser we will be able to find the funding needed to do more than just print these boosters but also the next year’s worth of boosters and if possible, our first expansion game based off a war or event in history. So instead of having a mixture of historical characters, places, and technology from all times and places, you will be able to fight on the battlefield of World War 2 or the 13 colonies during the Revolutionary War, maybe even Pirates on the high seas, learning about the main people, places, and events in history while enjoying a game of cunning and strategy. Axis and Allies, Risk, and all time specific war games will finally meet their match.

Thank you for all your support by purchasing this game in the past few months. I hope you enjoy looking through the Kickstarter campaign and feel a desire to help us expand.

As a side note, the more viewers and donations we receive the higher we reach on the list. The higher we move on the list the more likely we are to be seen and the more funding we can receive. Even if you don’t have the money to donate, please visit the site and tell your friends. It is through your help that we will be able to grow this company and share Historical Conquest with the world.


Zack Edwards
CEO and Creator of Historical Conquest

P.S. Here is a sample of our game.
Roman Centurion

the author

Historical Conquest: The Journey Through Time is an exciting and unique card game in which players create personalized societies with key players from history and battle them against one another… anyone, anywhere, anytime. Each card is complete with fantastic illustrations and interesting summaries of people, places, and events in history. The abilities on each card used in the game relate to the abilities these individuals actually had during their lives. Eric the Red can help the Mongol Army conquer Argentina during the Black Plague. Albert Einstein can live peacefully in Japan under the leadership of Abraham Lincoln during World War I. The possibilities are endless, as is the fun!