About Color Warz

Color Warz is an original universe based on paint, small creatures and magic.

An antic battle opposes Kaos the God of nothingness to Gaia the Goddess of life to take control of Mana, the pure magical star.

The story takes place in a little planet called Khroma, overhung with a giant tree : The World Tree.

There, The Khromaz which are small creatures leave and grow up on Khromic tree and make fight with paint. They are six different clans : red, blue, yellow, green, orange and purple. Each clan gets his own specificity.

But in the cursed forest, a dark power is growing and a great danger approaches to enslave the Khromaz people.

Hopefully, an old master called Oak is looking for the Chosen One that will be enough powerful to counter the Dark Threat.

In Color Warz : Paint Brawl, Oak the old wise was looking for the Chosen One. The players have to fight with colors in several challenges to prove that they are the Chosen One.

In Color Warz : Dark Threat, Oak found the Chosen One and the Dark Threat has been revealed. One player plays Gaia forces with the Chosen One, Oak and his Followers. And the other plays Kaos with the Wooden King, Fongia the Mushroom Queen and their minions to unleash the Bane.

About Color Warz : Dark Threat board game

Color Warz : Dark Threat is the Color Warz : Paint Brawl sequel.

This new game stages an epic battle between the colors unified around the Chosen One to the Wooden King and his black paint.
This two players board game proposes an asymmetric gameplay: each player has different abilities and characters. The players don’t have the same goals. It’s a standalone game with some bridges with the previous boardgame: Paint Brawl.

Color Warz : Dark Threat

About Color Warz : Dark Threat miniatures

Like in ouf first game, Color Warz : Paint Brawl, we develop a miniature range compatible with Color Warz : Dark Threat.

20 new models are planned for launch the campaign and some other amazing miniatures are considered depending on the success of the campaign (stretch goal).

The Color Warz : Dark Threat miniatures will be sculpted by Ammon Miniatures (Da Clash!) with who we have a partnership. We already work with Valentin Zak (Ammon Miniatures owner), who has sculpted some of our miniatures : Warrior #2, Shaman #2, Ninja, Cleric and Monk.


Now you know what we have done for our first game : Color Warz : Paint Brawl.
So, imagine what we can do for Dark Threat !

We need the support of any board game player, casual or core, and any collectors and painters to make this campaign a success.

Thank you for your support.

Best regards,

Fabien Friess